How To Use
ऑल इज़ Well
We have worked hard to bring you countless hours of enjoyment at a reasonable price since we are concerned about your entertainment requirements.
Dream Link Box
- Go to the Market Icon.
- Click on (DOL2) Dream Online 2 App.(Download this App)
- Press Back Key Once, Then go to MY Apps.
- Click on DOL2, MAC ID is there on the Screen.
- Portal Nickname, Type Company Name.
- Portal URL (Company Portal URL).
- Now Press Back Key to Remove the Key Board.
- Then Press OK.
- Now Click on Connect.
- Go to setting
- Then go to System settings
- Then go to Device info and share mac address.
- Then go back once and click on SERVER then go to portal then add the company URL in URL 1 box.
- Then save it and go back then click on Restart portal.
Formular Box
- Go to Apps.
- Click on Software Updates.
- Click on Software Updates.
- Share MAC Address (It is Available on Right Side Top Corner of the Screen).
- Then go to Add Portal.
- Then go to Add Portal.
- Portal URL (Type Company Portal URL).
- Then Click on Connect.
Fire Stick
- Go My TV online app
- Then click on Add Portal
- Then Share MAC Address (It is Available on Bottom Side).
- Then click on Portal nickname and Add company name there.
- Then click on portal URL and Add company Portal URL
- Then Click on Connect.
SMART STB for Smart TV
- Go to the Search option and Type there SMART STB.
- Install=>Open=>OK=>System Setting=>Device Info.
- Share MAC Address.
- Scrol Down and Click on Start App Trial.
- You will Get Your 10 Digit Activation Code.
- Put this Code on your SMART TV APP.
- You will get a Popup to finish the order on SMART STB Website.
- Fillup the Details and Save it.
- Now go to the System Settings.
- Go to the Portals=>Default Portal and Select Portal 1 URL
- Type there (Company Portal URL).
- Save the URL By Back Key=>It will Show you on the Screen Successfully Saved.
- Press Back key Once and go to the Restart Portal.
STB EMU Pro for Android TV
- Go to Search Option.
- Search for “Downloader” and download the app.
- Open it and type in this URL> https://bit.ly/3kyuZBf .
- Click on GO.
- Install STB EMU Pro.
- Then Click on Configure application.
- Go to profile.
- Hit ok on new profile.
- Hit ok on portal settings.
- Hit ok on portal URL.
- Delete the existing URL and enter (Company Portal URL)
- Click on Next then OK.
- Go back Once and hit ok on STB configuration.
- Share the MAC address 00:1a:79:xx:xx:xx to get the services activated.
Ministra Player for Apple Devices
- Go to Apple Store.
- Search for Ministra Player.
- Install
- Open.
- Type in there Login, Password and Portal (Company Portal URL).
- Then Click on Login.
Ministra Player for Smart TV
- Go to Apps.
- Search for Ministra Player.
- Install.
- Open.
- Type in there Login, Password and Portal (Company Portal URL).
- Then Click on Login.
Nvidia Shield Box
- Go to the Search option and Type there SMART STB.
- Instal=>Open=>OK=>System Setting=>Device Info.
- Share MAC Address.
- Go to the Activation.
- Activation Code (For the Activation Code, go to the SMART STB Website).
- It is 7 Days Free Trial, then You will have to Buy this App.
- Scroll Down and Click on Start App Trial.
- You will Get Your 10 Digit Activation Code.
- Put this Code on your SMART TV APP.
- You will get a Popup to finish the order on SMART STB Website.
- Fillup the Details and Save it.
- Now go to the System Settings.
- Go to the Portals=>Default Portal and Select Portal 1 URL
- Type there (Company Portal URL).
- Save the URL By Back Key=>It will Show you on the Screen Successfully Saved.
- Press Back key Once and go to the Restart Portal.